Sophisticated Squarespace Website for a Florist


The Naked Florist

The Naked Florist is a team of florists based in Newcastle, Australia. They decorate ceremony spaces and receptions. The Naked Florist uses their clients’ inspiration, their imagination, and nature’s seasonal standouts to create personal designs.

The Naked Florist commissioned their new website to Australian marketing agency Business Brother. For the website platform, they chose Squarespace. Business Brother is a team of talented and high-skilled marketers who created a perfect website for their client The Naked Florist. They have bought one of our Premium Squarespace Templates – Indie Studio – and redesigned it to the marketing needs of the florist business.

Our Squarespace template Indie Studio is a stylish and sophisticated website design for photographers, artists, event planners, and other visual businesses. We have built its pages and its structure around the visuals to give our clients the space to showcase their work. The template is easy to populate with images. The Naked Florist’s work is all about beauty and visuals, so we think it is a perfect Squarespace template choice for their business.

The color palette of the new website differs from the original template, but it still gives you the same feel, because of the deep, saturated colors. We see a nature-inspired autumn color palette that features bog-green, carrot-orange, and beige. The colors of the website are well paired with the photographs, they compliment each other well. We think Business Brother used the images of The Naked Florist’s work to create a suitable color palette.

The marketing agency has also successfully incorporated custom graphic elements into the design. There are artsy floral elements in the different variations of the logo.

The first-screen banner images on the Home and Services page add texture to the design.

The font pair has also shifted to a more ornamented side. Business Brothers changed the headings and button font to a more decorative one, but stayed with Karla as a paragraph font.

The website design reflects The Naked Florist’s work and creates a celebratory, festive feel.

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Olga Kolgusheva

Olga is a web designer & copywriter with a passion for clean editorial type, irregular grids, and monochromatic looks.

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