Squarespace Website for a Marketing Strategist

Squarespace website for a marketing strategist

Molly Ho Studio

Molly is a seasoned marketer with over 5 years of experience in digital products, courses, coaching, and online services. She provides marketing services for business owners. Molly helps her clients elevate their brands, increase visibility, drive business growth, and nurture community relationships.

For her website, Molly chose one of the newest Squarespace designs from our template shop – Stories. This versatile and minimal template for the online business industry suits her studio very much.

With its modest monochromatic color palette, Molly’s website comes across as minimalistic and even austere at times. Only it is not true since she balances the plainness with fun elements such as striking color accents, graphics, funky wavy underlines.

Molly Ho Studio offers various services, including blogging and Pinterest marketing, email marketing, Instagram marketing, a group program, Canva template shop. To market her products and services Molly leverages sections and pages from the original template. For example, a three-column section features her main services, while the Sales page sends users to her Canva template shop.

The website features a personal touch as Molly shares her story and experience in marketing. There is a focus on building connections and understanding the needs of clients and customers.

Overall, Molly’s website has a professional and user-friendly design, providing information about the services offered and highlighting her expertise in digital marketing.

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Olga Kolgusheva

Olga is a web designer & copywriter with a passion for clean editorial type, irregular grids, and monochromatic looks.


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